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Smudge Bundles offer healing properties for any room or yourself, ensuring peace and harmony. It helps to amplify positive energy and brings high vibrations to your home or workplace.
Sage cleansing is the quickest way to clear out negative energy from both objects and surroundings. It is one of the oldest and most well-known herbs for energy cleansing your home.
California White Sage - The most popular of all smudges. Sage cleansing is the quickest way to clear out negative energy from both objects and surroundings. It is one of the oldest and most well-known herbs for energy cleansing your home.
Dragon’s Blood uses: powerful protection resin and drives evil and negativity away when burned. Added to any incense, it heightens the incense power.
Palo Santo, also known as "holy wood", grows along the coastline of South America and is related to the scents of frankincense, myrrh, and copal. It is good for enhancing creativity and good fortune.
Lavender helps to restore balance and create a peaceful atmosphere. Lavender also attracts loving energy and spirits.
Black Sage Smudge, also called Mugwort, often referred to as the sacred herb of the moon goddess, is considered more powerful than white sage with its strong cleansing, purifying, and decluttering powers. This heavenly sage scent also serves as an especially effective insect repellent when outdoors.
Yerba Santa, a traditional sacred and holy herb, is known for its healing powers. With an aromatic, uplifting fragrance, Yerba Santa can be used as smudge or incense for protection and purification.