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The life and remarkable gifts of Therese Neumann (1898-1962); who bore the stigmata from 1926 to 1962; and suffered the Passion of Jesus on Fridays. She went without food and drink (save Communion) for 26 years. Therese Neumann was perhaps the most visited stigmatist in the history of the church. Mr. Vogal, a friend of the Neumann family, has set down only things he knows from his own experience of things told him by Therese herself, by Father Naber (who was her spiritual director) or by others who also knew Therese personally. He describes Therese's Passion ecstasies, her stigmata, her miraculous receptions of Holy Communion, her abstinence from 1926-1962 from all food and drink except the Eucharistic Host, her living without sleep, her visions and the language phenomenon, her mystical recognition of priests and relics, her recognition of the Holy Eucharist and priestly blessings; her cures and prophecies, and her bilocation and other mystical gifts. The author describes Therese's activities during World War II, the official investigation by the Church, conversions through her intercession, the rest of the Neumann family, criticisms by her opponents, the throngs of visitors who came to see her statements on her by priests, bishops and cardinals, the paternal interests of Pope Pius XI and Pope Pius XII, and the progress of her Cause for Beatification.
Also included here are numerous photographs, including photos of Therese in the Passion ecstasy. Twenty pictures in color and over 50 in black and white.
by Adalbert Albert Vogl
Paperback 290 pages